Bear Valley CSD Emergency Operations Plan

Published on
December 19, 2024

he purpose of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is to state for the record the response actions of the Bear Valley Community Services District (BVCSD or District) to extraordinary emergency situations associated with natural disasters, technological incidents, and national security emergencies.  An EOP does not address normal day-to-day procedures for dealing with typical emergencies.

Emergency Operations Plan

Disaster Preparedness Advisory Council: In 1995, the Bear Valley Community Services District established a standing citizen’s committee with the sole purpose of keeping the District’s Emergency Operations Plan up to date and to monitor District disaster preparedness. The Disaster Preparedness Advisory Council is an advisory committee to the Public Safety Committee of the CSD Board of Directors which meets to “review the general progress of emergency planning within the district and…recommend changes to the district emergency plan.” The council consists of five residents appointed by the Board of Directors on an annual basis.

Purpose: The purpose of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is to state for the record the response actions of the Bear Valley Community Services District (BVCSD or District) to extraordinary emergency situations associated with natural disasters, technological incidents, and national security emergencies.  An EOP does not address normal day-to-day procedures for dealing with typical emergencies.  Plans should also demonstrate the District’s emergency management organization within the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS), which would be needed in the recovery of disaster related expenses.

Update: Since 2015, the DPAC has spent numerous hours completely restructuring the Plan to be compatible with State and County regulations and practices, as ultimately these agencies, not the District, are in charge of emergency management. The DPAC, and especially volunteer DPAC Chair Jeannie Taylor, should be commended for their efforts on this update. The Emergency Operation Plan is intended to be a living document, and while the substance will remain largely intact, minor revisions and updates, especially of the appendices, will be necessary to reflect changes in staffing or procedures.

Approval: The current plan was approved by the Board of Directors on October 12, 2017.

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