BVPD Seeks Assistance in Combating Elder Abuse

Published on
December 19, 2024

March 21, 2024


Bear Valley Police Department Seeks Community Help to Combat Elder Abuse

The Bear Valley Police Department is asking the community to assist in identifying possible cases of elder abuse by caretakers. We recognize the importance of safeguarding our elderly population and are committed to ensuring their safety and well-being.

Elder abuse can take many forms, including physical, emotional, financial, and neglectful mistreatment. Caretakers, whether family members or professionals, have a duty to provide compassionate and responsible care to our seniors. However, in some instances, this trust may be violated, leading to harm or exploitation.

We urge community members to remain vigilant and report any suspicions of elder abuse to law enforcement, regardless of the time frame or however insignificant it may appear. Signs of abuse may include unexplained injuries, sudden changes in behavior, financial exploitation, missing property, or neglectful living conditions.

By working together, we can protect our elders and hold those who perpetrate abuse accountable. If you have information regarding elder abuse, please contact the Bear Valley Police Department at (661) 221-2631.

Together, let's ensure our seniors receive the appropriate care they deserve.

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