DPAC Volunteers Sought!

Published on
September 26, 2022
December 19, 2024

In 1995, the Bear Valley Community Services District established a standing citizen’s committee with the sole purpose of keeping the District’s Emergency Operations Plan up to date and to monitor District disaster preparedness.The Disaster Preparedness Advisory Council is an advisory committee to the Public Safety Committee of the CSD Board of Directors which meets to “review the general progress of emergency planning within thedistrict and…recommend changes to the district emergency plan.”

The council consists of five residents appointed by the Board of Directors on an annual basis. Each year the District solicits candidates from the public and will make appointments for the upcoming year. Ideally, volunteers will possess a background in emergency management, public safety, public works,fire, police, engineering, water and wastewater systems, or roads.If you would like to be considered for this committee, please send your letter of interest to the Bear Valley CSD at 28999 S. Lower Valley Road, Tehachapi CA 93561, Attention: DPAC Recruitment. Or you may email:kmcewen@bvcsd.org with DPAC Recruitment in the subject line. Letters of interest must be received by October 6, 2022.

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