General Manager's Performance Review

Published on
December 19, 2024

Dear Fellow Bear Valley Residents,

In September 2020, General Manager Bill Malinen completed his second year with the CSD. As is customary, your Bear Valley Springs Community Services District Board of Directors conducted his annual job performance review. Mr. Malinen was evaluated by each Director in ten categories comprised of 49 characteristics of performance, with a ranking of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). Mr. Malinen achieved an overall score of 4.62. The board enthusiastically approves of his job performance, voting unanimously to provide a cost of living adjustment to his salary, and extending his contract for a term of five years through 2025.

Mr. Malinen’s careful management of our district finances continues to improve our long-term financial outlook. This does not mean that we are in the clear. Infrastructure challenges remain, but shoring up the water and sewer funds will help us qualify for bonds to put before voters for approval. These vital steps are real progress towards tackling these most important issues.

In addition, the board would like to recognize some important accomplishments that were completed under his leadership during the second year of his service to Bear Valley Springs.

  • Made changes to policies, website and outreach requirements that resulted in a District Transparency Certificate of Excellence awarded by the Special District Leadership Foundation
  • Reconfigured and secured the solid waste transfer station
  • Completed a phase of the ongoing guardrail replacement project
  • Continued the mailbox replacement project
  • Implemented continued improvements to the automated entry gate system
  • Was awarded $155,000 in grant money for emergency generators for PSPS events
  • Was awarded a $1-Million in grant money for wildfire fuel reduction (dead tree removal on private properties)
  • Developed a new snow/ice control plan
  • Updated numerous policies
  • Updated a 73-page personnel manual
  • Developed and implemented emergency policies and protocols related to COVID-19 to safeguard employee and resident safety
  • Established an Employee Safety Committee
  • Implemented FEMA and other emergency training for management
  • Achieved a General Fund budget surplus for the second straight year

I am proud to serve this community alongside four dedicated and honorable board members, and an extremely competent and community-minded General Manager, Bill Malinen.

Greg Hahn

Bear Valley Springs Community Services District

Board of Directors

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