Transfer Station Rules

Published on
April 14, 2020
December 19, 2024

here has been quite a bit of confusion about the transfer station lately. Everyone has been very kind and understanding, and we thank you for that!

In hopes of saving people unnecessary trips and frustration, here are the rules for the transfer station. With the exception of the new days and hours, these policies have been in place for decades but apparently weren't widely known.

What are the days/hours?

The transfer site (dump) is open from 8am to 8pm 5 days a week. It is entirely closed, including manure and green waste, on Mondays and Thursdays.

Who may access the transfer station?

  • Residents who have a window decal
  • If no decal is present, residents must present a current BVSA amenities card
  • Contractors must present a manifest

What is a manifest?

Contractors must provide a manifest to dump greenwaste at the site. This manifest must be provided to the contractor by the homeowner, and include the following information:

  • Type of greenwaste (limbs, lawn clippings, etc)
  • Amount of greenwaste (limit of 3 cubic yards or 1 pickup truck load per day)
  • The address where the greenwaste was collected
  • Signature of the homeowner

Un-permitted items that cannot be deposited:

  • Treated/processed lumber including plywood, pallets, fencing, paneling, etc
  • Cleaners
  • Stains & Varnishes
  • Batteries
  • Automotive fluids
  • Pesticides & Herbicides
  • Paint
  • Light bulbs
  • Electronic waste (TVs, monitors, cell phones, other electronics)
  • Construction/building materials (carpeting, tile, drywall, etc)
  • Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, Hot Tubs, Water Heaters, Appliances
  • Propane tanks
  • Tires
  • Autos & auto parts
  • Trailers
  • Furniture
  • Scrap metal/iron
  • Concrete, rock, dirt
  • Limbs and trunks larger than 3" in diameter

Staff members are available to help direct traffic through the site and provide answers to any solid waste questions residents may have. They are also prepared to help you determine what your options are for disposing of items that are prohibited at our transfer site.

When the site reconfiguration project is complete, residents will notice better access and flow, increased lighting, better drainage management and dust control. Our goal is to make your visit to the Transfer Station as quick and safe as possible.

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